Wednesday, October 17, 2012


We started our letter of the week again, and as I like to do, we started at the end of the alphabet.  One of the kiddos wanted his Zebra to have eyes, so he got out a dry erase board, sketched some eyes, found a piece of paper, drew them, and cut them out.  I absolutely loved the independence and thought that went into this!

Here is the final project, eyes and all!!

Y was next, yellow finger paint and coffee grounds to give it some texture.  Look at how this child is practicing a pincer grasp!  I also love how one child carefully fingerpainted the Y and the child next to her has both hands moving on her paper, loving the sensory experience.   I love how children can get individual experiences with each project they do.  

These children are practicing their "X" on dry erase boards.  They each took a turn making an x at circle time and then they asked if they could each have a board so they could practice more.  How could I resist?  I love the excitement they show with letters!!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone is amazed how well SB can write at 3 YEARS OLD! You inspire me to work more with her at home, and she is almost reading!!!
